A feather pen, an ink well, and a scroll
Many of them started as a form of lecture gathering, where dons were gathered and a teacher lectured them
The gains achieved by the White minority in the first four decades of the 20th century were, by the 1940s, increasingly under threat however, as African resistance to the racially based system rapidly escalated. This crisis was brought to a head by the continuing decline of the reserve economies. Full proletarianisation in South Africa, would threaten the migrant labour system upon which White profitability depended. This crisis coincided with rapid secondary industrialisation and a substantial growth of urban African populations, as well as growing trade union activity and rising African working class militancy. These developments were threatening not only the conditions for accumulation but White political hegemony itself.
The answer is Great Britain!
I hope this helps!
p.s. have any more questions? Post the question and comment the link below!
Happy Valentines Day!!!
♥, Sadie