The pitcher for the Robin's throws faster. You know this because you can multiply 112.2 by 60 seconds to equal one minute. You want to get equal minutes, so multiply the answer of 112.2 x 60(6,732) by 60 once again to equal one hour, or sixty minutes. The answer you get(403,920), you divide by 5280 since there are 5280 feet in one mile. You should see that the Bluebird's pitcher throws 76.5 mph which s slower than the Robin's.
Step-by-step explanation:
You subtract 43 from 12 you get 31 then you add 43 and 31 you get 74 bye
Answer: Two and one tenth.
Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) = Waist Measurement / Hip Measurement
Waist Measurement = 40 inches
Hip Measurement = 2 inches less = (40 -2) = 38 inches.
Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) = 40/38 = 1.0526