You have a 1/2 chance of spinning an even number on the spinner, and a 1/2 chance of rolling an odd number on the die, 1/2 times 1/2 give you a 1/4 chance of doing both of those tasks.
Notice the point R
is a vertex between two "vertical angles"

those two folks are also the same
so now, we have the left triangle has angle P equals to angle T on the other triangle
we also have the side on the left triangle of PR equals the side of TR on the other triangle, and those two verticals angles are equal to each other
does ASA ring a bell?
yes. but they cant fly cuz the wings are jus for show or too scare predaters
Look at 36/3 = 12.
So let's try 12 along with the one before it and the one after it.
10 + 12 + 14 = 36
yay !