Third person plural pronoun is THEY.
If you want to create a possessive pronoun out of that one, that would be THEIRS.
Possessive pronouns, as the name itself says, determine some kind of possession. For example:
Is this books yours? - No, it's theirs.
-Rain forests cover 6% of the world
-sloths, tapirs, jaguars, tigers, howler monkeys, spider monkeys and orangutans live is rain forests
-The Amazon rain forest is 10 Million years old
There's your random information.
This question seems to be incomplete. However, there´s enough information to find the right answer.
The potato crop had failed, leaving his family unable to buy what they needed. So Nathu left his village to look for a job. Someone sent him to the limestone depot, where he got hired by Pritam Singh to clean and look after his truck.
In The Last Truck Ride, by Ruskin Bond, we learn that the potato crop in Nathu´s village had failed, leaving his family unable to buy anything they couldn´t grow despite the summer drought, which was only onions and artichokes. So Nathu left his village to look for a job in the town in the valley. Once there, someone sent him to the limestone depot, where, despite not being able to get a job at the quarries, he did get hired by Pritam Singh to clean and look after his truck.
Getting robbed, jipped, cheated, double crossed, backstabbed, betrayed, undercut, lied to, swindled.
I hung new drapes that I had recently made in the west windows.
This clearly states what you are trying to say and gets the point across