<span>Duverger's Law notes that two-party systems will tend to form when the voting style is a winner-take-all majority system. When there is a proportional representation system in place (such as in many parliaments), there will tend to be multi-party representation. Third-party candidates tend to be shut out in plurality/majority single-member electoral districts.</span>
Censorship is never acceptable.
Censorship quiets down the opinion/beliefs of someone who may have an idea/plan worth talking about. Historically, censored people usually try to inform others of the evils around, but are censored(threatened and/or killed).
D. It has a large military but a weak economy.
The North Korean Army has one of the most active soldiers in the World as they use compulsory service for most citizens. This means that it's mandatory for a citizen must serve in the army for a certain amount of time. The country's economy is extremely weak and depends on Cold War Era technology to manufacture goods. Also, North Korea has been heavily sanctioned by the UN multiple times.