Yes I would sacrifice potentially winning the state title. Using performance enhancing drugs is both morally wrong, and illegal. If my team was to win states I would want it to be because we deserved it, not because players were taking drugs. Not only that, but the players who took the drugs could be causing a lot of harm to their bodies, something that isn't worth a title.
B. Noah should put all of his important projects into a calendar that he looks at every day.
D. Noah should write down a list of all of the actions he needs to take so that he will have a reminder of what he needs to do when he needs to do it.
Getting organized means that one is putting things into a coherent order to enable them to be able to achieve the things they want to achieve more efficiently. An organized person is able to note the plans that they have, how they want to achieve such plans and the resources they will need to do so as well.
As Noah is getting organized, he should come up with a list of actions he will need to take to achieve his goals and write them down so that he is constantly reminded of them and it does not slip his mind.
A way to remember such actions is to put them into a calendar that he will look at every day. This will remind him that he has things to do and put the pressure on him to do so.
1) Federal Reserve Banks lend to commercial banks.
Lets talk about all the terms. First of all, zero-sum game theory and rational choice theory are mathematical theories that are used to analyze financial phenomena. The first one is against this view and the second one is a general framework that does not say what its stance is; it is certainly not the basic message of rational choice theory. The mercantilist theory is a theory that favors trade restrictions, so this is not the right choice. THe theory of absolute and comparative advantage are related; the first one says that only a country can make a product in a good way, while the second theory claims that eeach country should specialize in what it is best at producing. The comparative advantage theory makes the case that if there are many goods, one should not need to bother to produce those which he is bad at producing; he should produce a surplus of his specialty and then trade with others (and their specialty products). Thus, comparative advantage is the correct choice.