During the final scene, lightning strikes the Pride Land igniting a fire that burns out the existing dead brush and trees. This fire is symbolic of the end of an era of an unstable ecosystem. As time passes, pride rock is transformed back into a healthy climax community.
Mumbling- slurring words together at a very low level of volume and pitch so that they are barely audible.
As a microbiologist there are different methods are devised for characterization of microbes.such as Macroscopic analysis and microscopy method.
With the help of microscope the needed information about the individual cell such as individual cellular characteristics can be obtained, the magnification help to provide the features such as size, shape and motility of the microbes which helps to know the specific microbes characters.
When handling an unknown environmental microbe, with help of the cell characteristics of the microbes obtained using the microscope, the identity as well as metabolic characterization can be known such as the type of environment the microbes can survive in(aerobic or anaerobic), the source of food.
No growth was observed on the control plate.
The growth on the control plate indicates that the aseptic technique devised in the model was an adequate method for the prevention of the control plate from been contaminated.
The presence of similar <u>fossils(B)</u><u> </u> and <u>rock formations(C)</u> on several different continents supports the theory of Continental Drift.
Alfred Wegener observed fossils of organisms that were not supposed to have survived in the climate of where they were found. Other key findings is that he found fossils of organisms that were found in one continent and the same fossils found on another continent whose edges seem to fit together.
He also observed rock formations or stratas of mountain ranges in one continent seem to fit together with another continent.
<u>Added note:</u>
Even if Alfred Wegener had these evidences to present, his theory of Continental Drift was rejected mainly because he could not explain the mechanism of how the super continent (Pangaea) split.