It became a state.
When it declared its independence, it joined the United States as another state.
D.The war went according to plan and the U.S. and coalition forces pulled out within the year.
The correct answer to this question is the letter D.
It says that South Asia had a small number of regional states and consequently had fewer oppositions that prompted ruling classes to unify their dominions.
Mexico - Vicente Fox
Nicaragua - family
Argentina- Juan Peron
Brazil- Luiz Inácio Silva
Vicente Fox was a businessman and politician who became president of Mexico from 2000 to 2006.
Somo(za) family is a family that maintained political control for 44 years in Nicaragua. The dynasty founded by Anastasio Somo(za) García. He was the son of a wealthy coffee planter.
Juan Domingo Perón was an army general and politician. He was a populist and became president of Argentina. He brought industrialization in the country and tried to interference in delivering economic and social advantages to the working class.
Lula da Silva is a politician who served as President of Brazil from 2003 until 2010.