The concept of 'Western Bias' is the Eurocentric perspective of the west towards other continents such as Africa where in the western view they tend to feel as a more superior race thus creating a bias on how they view the continent. The idea developed due to the historical, political, and military dominance of the West. This was exemplified by historical writers and western philosophies such as Hobbes, and Machiavelli who developed concepts of realism while Locke & Smith developed liberalism.
Marshall plan: provided economic aid to Europe. It was implemented by the US and assisted Western Europe countries which had adopted a market economy system after WWII.
United Nations: approved the partition of Palestine in 1947. Such resolution advised that two independent Jewish and Arab states should be created.
Warsaw doctrine: strengthened soviet control over Eastern Europe. It was a treaty signed among the Soviet Union and seven of its satellite states in order to colaborate in common defense issues.
Truman doctrine: outlined the ways to contain communism. It contained the guidelines of US foreign policy that aimed to limit the geopolitical expansion of the Soviet Union and its allied states.