A remote company or Telecommuting company
Telecommuting (also known as working from home, or e-commuting) is a work arrangement in which the employee works outside the office, often working from home or a location close to home
1. Sandboxing
2. Containerization
The function of Sandboxing is to distinguish applications from one another and does not permit them to share the data, user etc
While on the other hand Containerization is a technique that used to separate different data sensitives like a business and personal data kept on the mobile device
Therefore according to the given situation, the option 1 and option 2 is correct
What is the product that you want to find where it comes from?
Although the grapevine supplements what formal communication does not provide sometimes, and creates a sense of unity among employees, they should be wary due it carries partial information and it's more based on rumors; so it's not always trustworthy, especially when it comes to business, because important decisions depend on reliable sources to ensure favorable outcomes.
Topic: Customer focused Listening Workshop
Begin with the introduction of who is a customer and the definition of terms or words like listening and focused.
Thereafter, highlight the various types or categories of customers and their various behaviors. Back it up with possible images or signs that represents their various behavioural pattern
Then proceed to explain the ways to listen to them and get them in order to get them to purchase or secure their loyalty to your product and services.
Also explain how glistening to a customer could have its pros and cons in terms of been positive and negative to your product and services.
Coin out a question such as 'How would you manage a customer with temperament, such that you must get him to patronize your product or services using the listening approach?'
Do a small group session to discuss the above question for about five minutes and make them to report back to the general house.
Take some moment to do a final summary, conclusion and recommendations before closing the workshop.