<span>It is vitally important to life, any form of life. Life in it's self is what we are all striving to grasp, hold and not let escape. It is the endless search for meaning to understand and comprehend.
Evolution which is the symphonic struggle of nature to overcome and create the most suitable specimen ensuring its survival within its species from its predators and the world at large.
Duplication is natures way to regenerate and strengthen the gene pool of species. It allows newer generations to improve on the genes to enable it to adapt better to the current environment is is facing. It is a constant and never ending process.</span>
<em>The competitive inhibitor binds to the active site and prevents the substrate from binding there.</em>
The noncompetitive inhibitor binds to a different site on the enzyme; it doesn't block substrate binding, but it causes other changes in the enzyme so that it can no longer catalyze the reaction efficiently.
The difference is in the location. If the rain forest is close to the equator, it is considered tropical. If the rain forest is farther away from the equator (between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer or the Antarctic Circle and the Tropic of Capricorn) then the forest is considered to temperate.
3. haploid; diploid
Sperm is male gamete or often called male reproductive cell. During the process of spermatogenesis, reductional division (meiosis) occurs in the spermatocytes and spermatids are formed which further mature to sperms. Thus as a result of meiosis, their chromosome number is reduced to half and thus they become haploid cells. During oogensis, eggs are also formed as a result of meiosis which reduces the chromosome number and so eggs are also haploid.
When during fertilization, these two haploid nucleus of these cells fuse together, they form a diploid zygote.
phenotype is the genetic code of a person