I think it’s nucleic acid
Because of homologous recombination
- When genes are establish on different DNAs or far apart on the same chromosome, they are classified self-sufficiently and are said to be unlinked.
- When genes are very close together on the same chromosome, they are said to be linked. That means that alleles, or genetic versions, that are already together on a chromosome will be inherited as a unit more often than not.
- We can see if two genes are linked, and how closely, by using data from genetic crosses to calculate the frequency of recombination.
- Using the technique of discovery recombination happenings for numerous gene pairs, we can make link maps that show the order and relative distances of the genes on the chromosome.
- When the genes are on the same chromosome but far apart, they are classified independently due to crossing (homologous recombination). This is a procedure that happens at the start of meiosis, in which homologous DNAs randomly exchange matching fragments. Crossing be able to connection new alleles in combination on the same chromosome, causing them to enter the same gamete. When the genes are far apart, the crossing occurs with sufficient frequency for all types of gametes to occur with 25% percentage frequency.
- When the genes are very close together on the same chromosome, the crossing still occurs, but the result (in terms of the types of gametes produced) is different. Instead of being classified independently, genes tend to "stay together" during meiosis. That is, alleles of genes that are already together on a chromosome will tend to pass as a unit to gametes. In this case, the genes are linked
One way is that Igneous rock could erode and become sediment and deposited and slowly change into sedimentary rock, then get pushed down deep into the crust and changed by heat and pressure into metamorphic rock.
The history protein H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 forms an octamer ( 2 each of the four histones) around which the DNA is wrapped. They help in packaging the DNA allowing for compaction of the DNA
Linker histone H1 and a length of DNA (linker DNA) links two nucleosomes together and they also play essential role in chromatin strucrure, stabilizing it and also modulating accessibility of the DNA to biological processes.