The worm is the decomposer. Decomposers break down dead matter and gives room for new life to thrive.
4. Large, circular lily pads are able to float on the water's surface.
Answer: cohesion
Cohesion mean that water attracted to another water. This force will make the water to form a surface tension in the lake. Water lily has a wide and thin leaf which makes it giving a low force per area. If the force applied on the surface is not bigger than surface tension, the leaf will stay float above the water. Surface tension also the reason water spider could walk on water.
5. The temperature of the water is about 5°C, while the temperature of the air is about 21°C.
Answer: heat capacity
Water has high heat capacity. High heat capacity mean that the water will not be easily become cold or hot. It will need more energy to increase/decrease the temperature of the water. This is why the water could keep its temperature much lower than the atmosphere. This will protect the organism inside the water from an extreme temperature change.
With nuclear fission, a large atomic nucleus (such as a uranium nucleus) breaks apart into smaller nuclei, and energy is released. With nuclear fusion, small atomic nuclei (such as hydrogen) join to become larger nuclei, and energy is released. Fusion of hydrogen releases much more energy than any other type of either fusion or fission. Note that the dividing line between heavy nuclei and light nuclei is the iron nucleus, which is at the perfect point of nuclear stability, so that neither fusion nor fission of iron nuclei would release any energy.
the function of the digestive system is digestion and absorption. digestion is the breakdown of food into small molecules, which are then absorbed into the body. the digestive system is divided into two major parts.