As far as I can think of, we're dependent on other species. If we can't be carnivores, then literally, the only other option I can think of is being a herbivore, and that still an organism. We need sufficient life essence to keep living. We CANNOT live without harming another organism.
In short of my babbling, human survival is not independent of other species.
The increased temperature melts glaciers, ice caps etc. and thus increases the sea levels
A plant grew from a leaf cutting will reproduce asexually.A plant cutting refers to a piece of plant that is used to vegetatively propagate a plant. A plant cutting can be a piece of stem, root or leave. The plant cutting is usually placed inside a suitable medium, where the cutting will grow to produce a new plant under suitable conditions. Plants that are grown from plant cutting are considered to be reproduce asexually, because vegetative propagation is a form of asexual reproduction.