I'm pretty sure the answer is A - senator
Integrity is the name given to the practice of being honest and adhering to ethical values and principles. It also describes an honesty and truthfulness in a person's actions. In the case of Dr. Martin, he demonstrates these qualities by being accurate, honest and truthful when providing services to patients. It is also used to describe a consistency of character, as people act in accordance to their personal values.
agree with the wrong answer.
A Psychologist called Asch with full name Solomon Eliot Asch was born in Warsar in Poland on the 14th day of September, in the year 1907 and he died in Pennsylvania in the United States of America on the 20th day of February, in the year 1996. As one of the great Psychologist of his time, Solomon Eliot Asch researched and went through series of experiment to propose things. One if his proposal is the Asch effect from his Solomon conformity Experiments. And according to his study on the power of conformity, "when confederates gave an incorrect answer to which of three lines is longer, three-quarters of the participants, at least once tended to AGREE WITH THE WRONG QUESTION''.
Ans: The basic needs approach to development was endorsed by governments and workers' and employers' organizations from all over the world. Many modern lists emphasize the minimum level of consumption of 'basic needs' of not just food, water, clothing and shelter, but also sanitation, education, and healthcare.