I think you should take a look into this link: https://www.wired.com/2009/12/ye-cybercrimes/
Here are the 10 most <span>destructive cybercrimes that you can take as areal example of cybercrime.</span>
"double tax_rates[5]= {0.10, 0.15, 0.21, 0.28, 0.31};" is the correct answer for the above question.
- An array is a user-defined data type that is used to define the multiple variables of a single type in a continuous storage location.
- In the C-programming language, When the user wants to declare an array he needs to define with the help of data type and size of the array with the help of the following syntax-- "Data_type variable_name [size_of_the_array];".
- When the user wants to initialize the static value in the array then he can do that by the help of following syntax: "Data_type variable_name [size_of_the_array]={first_value,second_value,....,last_value};
- The above question asked to defined the array of tax_rates name of type double with the above-defined value then he can do that with the help of above-defined syntax (which is defined in the answer part).
The internet can be compared to many stuff, such as a world wide web, or a huge box with stuff and you put in what you want and it comes out!
They are drugs that are <span>easy to get and ARE usually addictive</span>
Spam is just unwanted soliciation, spoofing is making links appear as something else, pharming is creating a fake website for victims to use.