<span>Monoculture farming often results in reduced soil fertility</span>
1. A natural killer cell identifies unusual cells, combines with them, and discharges perforin and molecules of granzyme that stimulates apoptosis.
2. A basophil comprises huge concentrations of histamine in granules, gets stain with basic dye methylene blue, and helps in inflammation and allergic reactions.
3. A macrophage refers to a huge agranular phagocyte, which is found within the tissues like lungs and brain.
4. An eosinophil comprises histamine and major basic protein in granules gets stain with acidic dye eosin and helps in reactions against the helminths and protozoa.
They can use these printers to make replica or identical copies of things like fossils. Theses are mostly useful because real fossils are rare so they can still study them without possibly ruining an artifact.