Speak to Desdemona and ask her to convince her husband to give him his job back
Because they wanted to stay because of the flowers, like brain washed
1. 431 BC
2. Mycenae, Argos, Megalopolis, Sparta, Ellis, Messene, and Corinth
3. Because the politician and general tasked with leading the Delian League
4. They formed boundaries and they had to start other sources
Perhaps big brother night, an impactful bonding event, or a deep conversation with an older brother. Sometimes a few months – initiation, landing an internship, getting a little brother of your own.
Based on their discussion, the ladies in the missionary circle prove they are ignorant hypocrites.
A missionary circle SHOULD be about doing good for others in the name of charity. This circle, however, seems to be only good for gossip. They believe that Africa is full of "sin and squalor" and their words indicate they are extremely prejudiced.
They should be behaving like good Christians but their discussion proves they are not -- especially when one criticizes a servant for not being a good Christian.