Portugal and Spain
Through the Treaty of Tordesillas the two countries agreed to divide up the New World. Spain got most of the Americas while Portugal got Brazil, India, and Asia.
The main failure of the Articles of Confederation was that it gave too much power to the states, basically the states were all divided into their own governments. The national government have too little power and couldn't properly control the states. The US Constitution was created to balance out the powers between state and national government.
Question: Which of the following offices cannot be found in Lyndon Johnson's political resume ?
Options ↓
A. congressman
B. Senator
C. governor
D. President
Answers ↓
A. congressman (correct answer)
B. Senator (correct)
C. governor (incorrect)
D. president (correct)
A,B,D would most likely be your answer but if you have to choose ONLY one, then try going with B.
you would hope that people as individulas could recognize the importance of a government that is fair and representative in all aspects unlike a facist dictatorship. facist governments often supress the rights of the people and the constitution is a political spear head that was created to help prevent facism in the united states, although as times have changed so have peoples perspective on things which has made it easier for people to simply subscribe to what ie easiest and not what is right.
Answer: The legislative branch has the power to approve Presidential nominations, control the budget, and can impeach the President and remove him or her from office