lysine residues on the histone tails of the octamer cn be activated by both acetylation and methylation patterns to influence accessibility or silencing of the genes respectiviely. for example, acetylation of H3K27 (histone 3 lysine residue 27) brings about a region of active chromatin allowing access to transcription activity while its trimethylation will cause silencing of the associated gene at that particular area (no expression of that gene)
Virus infection domain cell
They survive without water by entering a special mode, otherwise called as shriveling. They can lose even 95% of water in their body and still live, even though they would look like dead plants, they would actually be alive. In the absence of water, tardigrades use a sugar called trehalose, which becomes their source of life until they find some water.
By the process of cellular differentiation which consists of physical and functional changes of the cell used by processes at the genetic level. The expression of these in each type of cell is different. That is to say that the type of cell follows at a time of development there is differential activation of some genes and repression of others
it goes sedimentary rock to metamorphic is heat and pressure
then metamorphic to magma is melting and magma to igneous rock is crystallization
Thats all i got