The study on Nepal Regional Strategy for Development was undertaken by Dr. Harka Gurung, Development Region, covering 27,170 km2,
American Farm Bureau Federation
This timeline shows the leaders of the Soviet Union and when they ruled starting with Kerensky, the head of the Provisional Government, and ending with Gorbachev in 1991 when the Russian Republic was formed.
The earth is unitedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
The cooperation between the Hindus and the Muslims would help build a rich and powerful empire because, the worlds major religions are Islam and Hinduism and because of that if two combine it makes a powerful group of people and they all have different understanding and thinking. Because of the differences between the two groups, they can come up with pretty unique ideas, which can help a lot and these two groups arent heard as much as other groups. Believe me, many of these people have unique ideas and arent heard or they just keep it to themselves. In conclusion they can build a rich and powerful empire because if their differences, beliefs, and morals they've been taught.