A command economy would be an economic system that is the opposite of capitalism. A command economy could exist in a socialist system as well, whereby the state controls major businesses in an economy and provides close economic planning for a country's industries rather than allowing private ownership and free markets under capitalism.
question isn't clear. any answers???
The answer is Y = C + I + G + NX
National income can be represented as: Y = C + I + G + NX
where Y is the national income
C is the consumers' consumption or households' expenses on goods and services
I is the firms' investment. Investment done by businesses on procuring non-current assets used in production
G is the government expenditure.
NX is the net export. Net export is the difference between the total value of export and total value of import in a year.
Copy Testing
Copy testing is a market research analysis method that utilizes the consumers' responses , behavior and feedback to determine the effectiveness and relevance of an advertisement.
This method reveals a great deal of information about the pros and cons of a particular product through the analysis and study of individuals or group of users.
It addresses media channels like the internet and social media , television radios and others.
15 years
If you are constructing a portfolio to cover the education expenses of your child and you expect that he/she graduates from college in 15 years, then the time horizon of your portfolio should be 15 years since it should cover all the expenses until your child graduates. If you start a little earlier and expect your child to graduate in 20 years, the time horizon will be 20 years, or if you start a little later and expect your child to graduate in 10 year, then the time horizon is 10 years.