Its a male, without down syndrome
The fact that it's a male is indicated from the presence of the Y chromosome. In order for this man to have down syndrome, he would have had 3 chromosomes at 21, which he doesnt, meaning he doesnt have down.
Hi. You have not shown the sections this question refers to, nor have you provided more information about those sections. This makes it difficult for your question to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.
Generally speaking, we can consider that there was no growth of bacterial colonies in sections 2 and 3, because, for some reason, the bacteria was not inoculated in sections 2 and 3. What could also have happened, is that the bacteria in the sections 2 and 3 were eliminated, but the bacteria from section 1 managed to survive and form colonies.
Another possibility is that after inoculating the bacteria in section 1, you didn't handle the bacteria correctly in the other sections, leaving that bacteria to dry out and die.
Finally, the culture media in sections 2 and 3 could be inappropriate for bacteria to develop and form colonies.
Winding mills are made on hills because of air flow and currents.
Winding mills capture wind to turn blades and produce energy. In order to do so, it needs winds! Strong winds, in order to turn the blades. You will notice that if you ever scale a mountain or go higher, it starts to become windier/the wind blows harder.
If the wind mills are placed higher, it can capture these windier conditions, thus moving the wind blades to produce energy. The higher the hill, the stronger the wind current, the more energy it produces.
E) Either anaphase I or II
Failure of segregation of homologous chromosomes during anaphase I or failure of segregation of sister chromatids during anaphase II leads to the presence of the abnormal number of chromosomes in resultant gametes. In the given example, the egg mother cell with 48 chromosomes (24 pairs) would enter meiosis I but the failure of one pair of homologous chromosomes to segregate from each other followed by normal meiosis II would result in the formation of two gametes with one extra chromosome and two gametes with one less chromosome.
On the other hand, if the nondisjunction occurs at anaphase II of meiosis II, two normal gametes, one gamete with one extra chromosome and one gamete with one less chromosome will be formed. Therefore, nondisjunction at anaphase I or anaphase II would have resulted in the production of eggs with one extra chromosome.