Plastic tupperware containers
The answer is the first one
Many think that birds evolved from dinosaurs, they both have hollow bones, recent studies show that some Dinosaurs had feathers. if you were to compare the form of a Dinosaur to a chicken you would see that they walk and stand like each other. Also, the Genes show that they might have a distant relative. I hope this helps
<h2>Ear has three main parts; outer most part is called outer ear, middle one is as middle ear and innermost as inner ear.
1. Outer Ear: Pinna (the outer, funnel-like part), Ear Canal (Conducts sound vibrations from the pinna to the tympanic membrane), and Tympanic Membrane.
2. Middle Ear: Ossicles (Tiny bones that amplify sound waves), Malleus, Tensor Tympani, Incus (Connects the Malleus to the Stapes; receives vibrations from the Malleus and looks like an anvil), Stapes, Stapedius, Oval Window (Receives vibrations from the Stapes and is the flexible opening to the cochlea).
3. Inner Ear: Cochlea (The main structure in the inner ear; tiny coiled structure); Tympanic Canal, Vestibular Canal, Basilar Membrane, Cochlear Partition , Round Window Organ of Corti.
Route of Sounds: External environment → Collected by the pinna → Through the ear canal → Vibrates the Tympanic Membrane → Vibrates the ossicles → Vibrates the Oval Window → Sends “Traveling Waves” through the Vestibular Canal → Pressure released by Round Window if necessary → Inner and Outer hair cells transduce the vibrations.