Quantity demanded is the amount of a good that buyers are willing and able to purchase at a particular price. Many things determine demand, but only price can determine the quantity demanded of a specific good. If you have the money and are willing to buy 2 ice cream cones a week, at $2 per cone, the quantity demanded would be 2 cones a week. Now, what happens if the price increases to $4 a cone? If you are like most people, the quantity of ice cream cones you demand will decrease as the price rises. In this case, assume your quantity demanded is now only 1 cone a week, which is what you are willing and able to buy. Notice that as the price of the cones increases, the quantity of ice cream cones demanded decreases. This means quantity demanded is negatively related to price-which means they have an inverse relationship. Economists refer to this relationship as the law of demand. The law of demand states that, other things being equal, when the price of a good rises, the quantity demanded of that good falls. The reverse is also true-when the price of a good falls, the quantity demanded of that good rises. The combination of the quantities people are willing and able to buy of a good or service at various prices constitutes a demand schedule. When the demand schedule is graphed, the demand curve is downward sloping.
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see below
Collateral refers to a valuable asset that a borrower offers to a lending institution to guarantee that they will repay the requested loan. Usually, collateral has a higher value than the loan amount. Collateral reduces the risk to the lender, which translates to lower interest rates.
Examples of assets that Pedro can use as collateral include.
1. Motor Vehicles
2. Properties such as land and Buildings
3. Machinery and equipment
4. Inventory
type B 50 pounds
type A 94 pounds
First we construct the equation system:

Now we clear one and replace:

And we can solve for type B:

And now we can solve for quantity of A as well:
A = 144 - 50 = 94
<u>Finally we can check the answer if it is correct:</u>
50 x 5.9 + 94 X 4.75 =
295 + 446,5 = 741,5
Gross pay
Gross pay is before all taxes and deductions. Therefore that value is greater than net pay which is after all taxes and deductions