Microsoft is the answer of it
Answer: performance
When the job applicants for specific jobs are told to perform a sample of the job, this implies that the company is using a performance test.
Performance test simply refers to a test that requires the individuals partaking in it to perform an activity using their skills, ability and knowledge.
Answer: take into consideration all the members.
Explanation: If someone is attempting to sell the Markham publishing, then it should take into consideration all the factors that could affect each individual in the buying center, but the factors affecting the decision maker should be given special consideration.
Thus, attention to all members should be given while making any decision.
Because of its importance in summarizing your strategy, the Introduction and Overview of your business plan should be written last-B.
Answer: a. tests of conscientiousness
Test that measure conscientiousness essentially check to see if the prospective employee is capable of doing the tasks required of them well and with seriousness. The test will also show if the person is capable of showing the required diligence and care in their roles.
Such tests are free of bias in testing as conscientiousness can be measured evenly across cultures.