So if the vice president (president of the Senate) isn’t present, the president pro tempore (senator who’s been there the longest from the majority party) will take over.
Los países comenzaron a recuperarse progresivamente a mediados de la década de 1930, pero sus efectos negativos en muchas zonas duraron hasta el comienzo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.6 La elección de Franklin D. Roosevelt como presidente y el establecimiento del New Deal en 1932, marcó el inicio del final de la Gran Depresión en los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, en Alemania, la desaparición de la financiación exterior a principios de la década de 1930 y el aumento de las dificultades económicas, propiciaron la aparición del nacional-socialismo y la llegada de Adolf Hitler al poder que, posteriormente, daría inicio a la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Because it has more then 600 castles :)
B. The new middle class had leisure time and extra money
The absolute monarchy which before had brought so many benefits to the development of commerce and the French bourgeoisie was now an obstacle. Mercantilism laws kept goods from being sold freely. Officers prevented the development of faster manufacturing processes. In short, absolute monarchy was an obstacle, preventing the modernization of France. This obstacle needed to be removed, and defenses of this political system were perceived negatively by the rest of the population seeking a revolution, and many times they were seen as personal and political enemies during a war. Which justifies the executing of French supporters of the Austrian and Prussian monarchies.