I believe it was in the Balkan area?
Maybe Bulgaria?
Mexico, United States and Canada signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994 with the goal of eliminating barriers to trade and investment.
This is similar to the Bosnian Genocide caused by Slobodan Milosevic. There were Serbian's who lived in Balkans. This was called the butcher of the Balkans.
1. the federal government
-print money
-regulate interstate and international trade
-make treaties and conduct foreign policy
-declare war
- provide and army or navy
-establish post offices
- make laws necessary and proper to carry out these powers
the state government
-issue licenses
-regulate intrastate businesses
-conduct elections
-establish local governments
-ratify amendments to the constitution
-take measures for public health and safety
-may exert powers the constitution does not delegate to the national government or prohibit the states from using.
David's Achievements
David is said to have written the Psalms, unified the tribes of Israel and made Jerusalem the capital of the Israeli nation. He is considered to be Israel's greatest King, whose reign ushered in the period in which the First Temple was built.