Most everyday situations involving chance and likelihood are examples of simple probability.
The probability is the chance or likelihood of any event happening. In our everyday life, we unintentionally use the probability. For example, we say there is 70% chance that tomorrow will be rain, there is 50% chance that Brazil will win the world cup, there is less likelihood of he arriving today and soon. In all these concepts we are dealing with uncertainty and there is chance factor involved in all these examples. So in most everyday situations which involve chance and likelihood are actually examples of simple probability.
C. 48
If Lionel started with 48, and he gave 1/2 of them to Rick (24), then he is left with 24. If he then gives his brother 1/2 of that (12) then he has 12 left.
The answer is 90 because 360/4 (since it is a quadrilateral) is 90 degrees