In base 10, the positional of each digit represents which power of 10 that position is taken to and the number represents how many of them you have, i.e. the number 532
100s, 10s, 1s
Any other base works the same way but instead of powers of 10, we use whatever power that base is, so the number 25 in base 2:
16s, 8s, 4s, 2s, 1s
To convert from base 10 to a different base, first find the highest power (position) in that base that is less than your numbers, you can do that by taking the log and round down (for the power) and take ithe base to that number (for the value). E.g. for the number 83, in base 2 you would do log2(83)=6 (rounded down), so that has the 2^6=64s place. Again with base 53, log3(83)=4, and is the 3^4= 81s place. (You can do log(83)/log(2)=6 if you can't change the base on your calculator).
So, starting with the highest you have just found, list all the powers of the base (just divide by the base each time), so base 2:
64s, 32s, 16s, 8s, 4s, 2s, 1s
Next you just go from highest to lowest, and, starting with your number, see how many of each position you can fit into it (keeping the number inside your base), subtracting the amount from it each time you do so. E.g. for base 2, number 83:
64s, 32s, 16s, 8s, 4s, 2s, 1s
So 83 in base 2 is 1010011.
In base 3, for the number 140:
81s, 27s, 9s, 3s, 1s
Starting at 140, 1 81 will fit into it so place a 1 in the 81s place and subtract 1*81 from 140 to get 59. 2 27s fit into 59 so write 2 under the 27s place and subtract 2*27=54 from 59 = 5. Continue and you should always end up with 0 remaining.
So 140 in base 3 is 12012.
I hope you understand this, it looks abit complicated at first but it's quite easy when you get the hang of it.
The definition just says that the graph is not all the same function.
It's pieces of two different functions ... the function changes at the
line x = -1 . The graph looks something like the attached picture.
The function on the left side is y = x .
That's the graph starting from 10 miles left of the graph, and
all the way up to x = -1 . Surely you know how to draw y = x .
At x = -1, it changes to the other function.
The function on the right side is y = -x .
That's the graph starting from x = -1 and all the way out to
10 miles away on the right, or farther.
Surely you know how to draw y = -x .
That's all there is to it. Different functions on different parts of the plane.
And as you can see on the attached picture, there's no guarantee that
they have to meet at the same point. Sometimes they do and sometimes
they don't. It just depends on how they're defined.
Like, if the right-side function had been y = -x - 2 , then the two pieces
would meet, and the whole graph would look like a big upside-down
letter ' V ', with its vertex at the point (-1, -1) .
Step-by-step explanation:
so amount earned for 10 hours of work is 250