It is a recognised human right (Article 18 of the ICCPR and UDHR) and has been referred to as "the first freedom" to the Constitution (America).
China’s industrial policy is aimed at rapidly expanding its high-tech sectors and developing its advanced manufacturing base, but President Trump and other leaders of industrial democracies see the plan as a threat. A worker handles smartphone chip components at a factory in Dongguan, China.
Northwest Coast chiefs held the highest position in society.
I am not an expert, but I know Plateau tribes had chiefs based on ability.
This should help too!
This was an answer from a quizlet set:
term: cheif
definition: Leaders in American Indian communities. The role differs between Plateau and Coastal Indians. Coastal Indians it is an inherited position and have more authority. With Plateau Indians it is an elected position earned through merit. There are multiple some at village level, band level and tribal level