Its pattern
you can clearly tell theres a pattern going on here, theres no balance or movement
Tiles (vulcanized) are made of refractory metal oxides and semi-metallic oxides, through the process of grinding, mixing, pressing, glazing, sintering, and forming an acid-resistant porcelain or stone, Decorative materials.
Depicting inanimate object as animals is a common practice in andean art, which conveys an association between the object and the qualities that the animal embodies. and the textile would be woven for everything from yesterday clothing to ceremonial robes for religious and political elites.
A photographer has a wide imagination that in taking a picture he or she is not just taking a photo but he/she uses his/her imagination so if you look at their photos created there are thousands of messages thats why it is a powerful communication tools nowadays.
In prehistoric times many songs were preformed as rituals for rain or fertility; however, in modern day many songs are the artists reliving memories or learning from experiences.