Perspective influences how a person looks at a piece of art and its qualities. Always true. ... The study of symbols and images in art. Experience and perception changes the way people look at an image.
- Scenic design (also known as scenography, stage design, or set design) is the creation of theatrical, as well as film or television scenery. Scenic designers come from a variety of artistic backgrounds, but in recent years, are mostly trained professionals, holding a B.F.A. or M.F.A. degrees in theater arts. Scenic designers design sets and scenery that aim to support the overall artistic goals of the production. There has been a consideration that scenic design is also production design; however, more accurately, it is a part of the visual production of a film or television.
2. Scenic Designers
Scenic designers, also called set designers, design physical surroundings to set the tone, atmosphere, time frame, and location for movies, television shows, and theater productions. Scenic designers use furniture, props, structures, backgrounds, and other design elements to create an accurate setting as dictated by a script.
Scenic designers start by reading a script and meeting with directors to define a script's concept and the best way to design it. They then sketch ideas and floor plans to indicate a set's layout and prop placement. After drawing a final model to scale, set designers supervise the construction workers who build the set.
Japanese, small, cold, raw, other
"Japanese" is an adjective because it describes the dish.
"Small" is an adjective because it describes the patties.
"Cold" is an adjective because it describes the rice.
"Raw" is an adjective because it describes the fish.
"Other" is an adjective because it refers to additional ingredients.