your heart rate goes up explaining why the blood is traveling quicker. this causes you to breath faster meaning bring more oxygen to the blood in your lungs faster. your blood pressure also goes up from the increase in heart rate.
Intraspecific competition
Hope this helps!
Thats true _____________________________________________________
I am water ,I was put into a cup ,swallowed down the esophagus and since I’m not a solid I am put into the intestine immediately here my different vitamins are used and stored since I am still not a solid I pass the appendix with no problem . I am now being stored in the anus here i am let free as a torn skin of my old self .
I am steak, I am chewed by the teeth and swallowed Down the esophagus , i am being digested by the stomach acids and my vitamins are being stored and used . I am now entering the intestine here I am taken to the appendix to grind up a little bit of bone left on me and I am taken to the anus I am now free but now what I used to be .
I am corn I an chewed and swallowed down the esophagus I maned the chewing now I beating down the acid and I am unaffected by the acid i am taken to the intestines where I tank the appendix and do not get gridded I am taken to the anus where I come out exactly how I came in .