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Actual means the real selling price for the product paid by the customer whereas proposed selling price is the price which was suggested to be set for the product.
1. It is perfectly inelastic
Elasticity of Demand is the responsiveness of demand to price change.
- Elastic Demand > 1 ; implies demand changes proportionately more than price change
- Inelastic Demand < 1 ; implies demand changes proportionately less than price change
- Perfectly Elastic Demand = ∞ ; implies demand changes infinitely to price change, so the prices are constant
- Perfectly Inelastic Demand = 0 ; implies demand doesn't respond to price change, so quantity demanded is constant
Given : Seth body builder needs 12oz protein packet to 'feed his muscles' depicts that it is a necessity good to him. Being a necessity good, it would be demanded by Seth irrespective of price.
So, the demand is perfectly inelastic.
The sale price of the mountain bike is $468.97 (369.27 x 27% = 99.70 + 369.27)