The Depression affected the confidence that people had on the government.
The Great Depression began in 1929 and continued until 1933 and it caused high unemployment rates, a decrease in output and deflation. During this time, President Hoover was accused of not taking enough measures to stop the crisis and this ended up on him losing the 1932 election as people lost their confidence in the government. Also, the Great Depression resulted in changes on the government and on how it faces economic crisis. Because of that, the answer is that people demanded not just banking and stock market reform but also new forms of government after the Great Depression because it affected the confidence that people had on the government.
Ryan cannot choose both options and thus has to make a decision of which option to take. Therefore he automatically sacrifices the other option. This type of decision is relevant and is known as a relevant cost. Relevant costs are costs that differ between alternatives, and thus influence the decision that you will make.
Opportunity cost is a type of relevant cost. This is the option that is given up / sacrificed when one option (laptop) is chosen over another (Mexican trip). In this case the opportunity cost is the Mexican trip when the laptop is chosen.