- Hey there , ronisha!

- Full settlement generally means DISCOUNT ALLOWED.
- Firstly , Read out the question and try to understand. It says we purchased some stuffs of Rs 30000 from the sansee stores and we payed Rs 28000 in full settlement which implies that we received the discount of Rs 30000-28000 i.e Rs 2000.
- You must have known the rules for debit and credit. As we know In case of personal account , Debit : The receiver , We have sansee stores as the receiver so we placed it in debit side.
- Remember: When the question says that the cash is payed through cheque , you should always consider cheque as a bank. Now , In the case of personal account , Credit : The giver. Who's the giver? Of course , bank! So , we placed it in credit side.
- Now , In case of nominal account , Credit : the incomes or gains . The question says we received the discount so obviously it's not expenses. So, We placed discount received in credit side. You must have studied that Every debit should have equal credit. And we're done!
- Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any questions regarding my answer and also don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need any other help! :)
The vital component of marketing is promotion.
Promotion in marketing refers to any sort of marketing communication that is used to enlighten target audiences about the relative qualities of a product, service, brand, or problem, and is usually persuasive in nature. It assists marketers in creating a distinct space in the minds of their customers, which can be either cognitive or emotional.
Marketing relies heavily on promotion. Marketing promotion is described as a method of communication between buyer and seller in which the buyer persuades his or her audience to purchase his or her items.
Advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing are the four primary promotional strategies.
Hence, the blank will be filled by promotion.
To know more about promotion click here:
Relevance and cost effectiveness
Full disclosure principle means that a business should report all the relevant and necessary information regarding their financial statement to the people who are accustomed to reading it as not disclosing full information might affect the readers understanding.
It prevents any lack of information from the business's financial information and helps to ensure that creditors, stakeholders and investors are aware of all the relevant information while making key decisions that affect the company.
Not disclosing all the information could manipulate the companies financial statement and it may look stronger that it really is.
Answer: Rachel should produce pie and Joey should produce bread.
Rachel can make 1 loaf of bread in 2 hours and 1 pie in 1 hour. Therefore, Rachel can take less time to produce 1 pie as compared to 1 loaf of bread, as a result she should produce pie.
Joey can make 1 loaf of bread in 4 hours and 1 pie in 4 hours. Therefore, Joey can take same time for producing either pie or bread. But he has only one option to produce bread.
So, Rachel is specialized in producing pie and Joey is specialized in producing bread in order to maximize their combined output.