The word diaspora emanated from an ancient Greek word which means "to scatter about." And that's exactly what happened to the people of diaspora — they scatter from their homeland to places across the globe, taking along with them their culture as they go.
Popular sovereignty because the constitution says that if the gov't is becoming unjust, then they can revolt.
If you had a textbook or something look back in the story. figure out how,when, and where these events happened.
The correct answer is relaible.
Reliability, or a test or measure that is reliable is one that consistently produces the same results at different, times, settings or locations. If a study or test produces varying results on different occasions, it is considered low in reliability. For example, if an IQ test administered to a particular person yields highly different results two weeks apart during testing, it is low in reliability.
In general, Republicans tend to take a more conservative stand on issues. They believe that the federal government should not play a big role in people's lives. Most Republicansfavor lower taxes and less government spending on social programs. Theybelieve in less government intervention in business and the economy