C.high humidity is the characteristic of Rub al Khali
The population of Europe was growing again, after the ravage of the Black Death, and with the concentration of money derived from the reduction of the population, they were becoming more ambitious with explorations and ventures into the Atlantic sea. Sugar was also an important part, as it was a valuable good in the European market.
The term "culture of honor" denotes the traditional culture of the Southern United States. According to research on cultures of honor, Jason, who was more likely to be angry and upset during the experiment , is more likely to have grown up in a southern U.S. state, and Patrick, who was more likely to be amused during the experiment is more likely to have grown up in a northern U.S state.
Substage 3
develops schematic ideas
deliberate actions focus on
repeating interesting effects
direct imitation
focused on self
simple associations
increased physical skills
enable infant to handle materials
more effectively
Activities included are
reaches for and grasps objects, manipulates items
repeats interesting or surprising
copies another baby banging with a
wooden spoon
links objects by function
sits and passes toy from one hand to
the other