They where perceived as being victimized and cocky.
<span>1 archaic : happy, pleased
2 archaic : inclined, desirous
3 a : willing
he was very fain, for the young widow was “altogether fair and lovely … ” — Amy Kelly
b : being obliged or constrained : compelled
Great Britain was fain to devote its whole energy … to the business of slaying and being slain — G. M. Trevelyan</span>
In the excerpt, the word "pungent" refers to the pickles' aroma.
Pungent is a word to describe a very strong smell, very sharp and biting. So when Untermeyer used the word pungent to refer to the pickles, he was talking about their aroma, which is a fancy way to say smell.
<em>This excerpt from William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, draws this conclusion about Claudius that he is not a popular king. </em>
Claudius always cared about being a King. That’s the reason why he got King Hamlet killed at the first go. He cares about holding onto the throne which is well-understood when he marries Gertrude, the king’s widow and the mother of Prince Hamlet. He is also aware that he’s not a popular king. The public loves Hamlet for which he knows that he just can't arrest him for the murder of Polonius. Claudius’s words point towards his intentions. He wants Prince Hamlet out of his way and he knows that he has to do it in a tricky and twisted way or else the public will support Hamlet and not him.
<span>The irony can be found in the fact that the officer immediately criticises the boys for their behavior.</span>