1. convenience sampling method
2. simple random sampling method
3. cluster sampling method
4. stratified sampling method
Step-by-step explanation:
<u>1. convenience sampling method</u><u>:</u>
what this biologist does is to take a sample from the lake in a non random fashion. It is a non probability sampling method. And it doesn't involve selecting participants randomly.
<u>2</u><u>.</u><u> </u><u>simp</u><u>le</u><u> random</u><u> sampling</u>
the question says that the respondents who are US residents are randomly selected. Each of the resident has equal probability of being chosen
<u>3</u><u>.</u><u> </u><u>clust</u><u>er</u><u> </u><u>sampling</u><u> method</u><u>:</u>
this researcher groups the full population into 200 farms and then he picks 4 clusters randomly then he surveyed all cows in the 4 selected farms
<u>4</u><u>.</u><u> </u><u>strati</u><u>fied</u><u> </u><u>sampling</u><u> method</u><u>:</u>
The researcher shares the full voter population into several counties which are regarded as stratas. From where a simple random sampling of 50 registered voters from each of the counties are selected.