limited individual reward
Voting and serving in the military are voluntary personal responsibilities or rights in the United States. The United States has a voluntary military and therefore it is not required that citizens join or work in the military unless they voluntarily choose to do so. In addition, it is not compulsory that citizens vote and instead it is something that they voluntarily decide to do.
By Marcus Hawkins
Updated March 17, 2019
Quite often, those on the left of the political spectrum dismiss political conservative ideology as the product of religious fervor.
At first blush, this makes sense. After all, the conservative movement is populated by people of faith. Christians, Evangelicals, and Catholics tend to embrace the key aspects of conservatism, which include limited government, fiscal discipline, free enterprise, a strong national defense, and traditional family values. This is why many conservative Christians side with Republicanism politically. The Republican Party is most associated with championing these conservative values.
The comments could provide insight to the topics the teacher feels are ... Venn Diagram .... The most efficient way to memorize multiple layers of information all at once is .... Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition .... A short essay answer usually requires one or two supporting details to your answer.
The Sea Peoples terrorized Egypt and the Mediterranean during the Bronze Age, but their identity and origins remain mysterious to this day.
More than 2,000 years before the Vikings first set sail from modern-day Scandinavia to plague the people of Europe, the great empires of the ancient world faced a terrifying seafaring enemy of their own — one that remains almost a complete mystery to this day.
“They came from the sea in their warships and none could stand against them,” ominously proclaimed one inscription written in the 13th century B.C. and later found at the Egyptian city of Tanis.
They were the Sea Peoples, the modern name given to the naval warriors who reportedly wreaked havoc upon the Mediterranean time again between the approximate years of 1400 B.C. and 1000 B.C. but whose identity and origins are largely shrouded in mystery.