The functions of eyes parts are as follows:
Retina: The rays of light focused on the retina by the cornea and lens. The retina produces an image which is sent along the optic nerve of the brain.
Iris: It changes the size of pupil and allows different amount of life to enter the eyes.
Pupil: The light enters to the eyes through it.
Cornea: It forms the outer coating of the eyeball and covers the iris and pupil.
Microbes cause infectious diseases such as flu and measles.
The two groups are Tyrannosaurus Ornithomimus and Tyrannosaurus Coelophysis which are different from one another in shape and body structure.
The word Ornithomimus means ''bird mimic,” because it resembles the bird i.e. they are toothless and had beaklike jaws while on the other hand, Coelophysis means 'hollow form' and the specie has hollow limb bones that makes Coelophysis is a lightly body dinosaur that make it a fast hunter.
When the moths camouflage with their surroundings, they are less likely going to be eaten by their predators. So therefore, more moths are going to want to mate with the darker moths that blend with their surroundings.