the answer i both a and b
Perceptual defense
The perceptual defense is a process by which a catalyst alarming offensive and disagreeable are either not perceived or per-verted in perception especially when presented as brief flame. It is a non-recognition threatening stimuli. A stimulus may register outside of the awareness and bring about a change in response
There are two conditions must be there
1) The stimulus must be relevant
2) It must be maintained over time.
Answer: The Constitutional divide power between the U.S. federal government AND state governments. I hope this helps.
Answer:the last option, Many lost their jobs and homes
They did that by hiring freelance employees from around the world
Since strawberry frog is a marketing company, they could hire a lot of freelancer artists to contribute in ther marketing campaign from outside their area of operation. In order to make proper relationship with those foreign workers, they need to understand the diverse culture so they could make appropriate gesture to respect one another