A. C. D. E. All the others are not a utilities
Answer:Cronbach's alpha
Cronbach's alpha is used to measure consistency interms of how closely associated items in a group are.
It measures the scale of reliability as a coefficient of reliability not statistically.
below is a formula that is used to calculate this reliability.
Here N equate to the number of items, ¯c is the average inter-item covariance among the items and ¯v equals the average variance.
The increase number of items will increase Cronbanch's Alpha.
Additionally, if the average inter-item correlation is low, alpha will be low.
Thats what i remeber from the last time studied these
Data is represented in computer in the form of information. But how? because of data processing cycle.
Episodic memory
Episodic memory is the actual memory of a single occurrence that a person has, and it would be different from the recall of the same encounter by someone else, it is a kind of long-term memory involving conscious recall of past experiences and their meaning.
Sally on seeing her first boyfriend remembers the night they had their first kiss, this is a personal experience/knowledge and it is stored in her episodic memory. Episodic memory reflects the capacity to recall past events in the temporal and spatial sense, it is the recollection of things every day that can be clearly mentioned or conjured.