The answer is c because the glucose is an energy producer within a plant and animal cell
There is more oxygen near the lungs, because fresh oxygen goes into the lungs.
El cerebro, que se desarrolla a partir del telencéfalo embrionario, es la estructura encefálica de vertebrados que ha alcanzado en mamíferos su máximo desarrollo. Contiene, a su vez, el bulbo olfatorio, los ganglios basales, el hipocampo y la corteza cerebral.
espero que te sirva
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The brain, which develops from the embryonic telencephalon, is the encephalic structure of vertebrates that has reached its maximum development in mammals. It contains, in turn, the olfactory bulb, the basal ganglia, the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex.
Hope this can help you
can you give me a crown please
iThe ability to actively perceive the distance from infants (themselves) to objects is known as cognitive development.
Cognitive development refers to how an infant perceives and thinks In contrast to the emphasis placed on a child's native abilities by intelligence testing. It is the understanding of how children react to their environment, and relating old habits of nurturing or natural experiences that they already know, to new experiences.
Temperature decreases with height throughout the mesosphere. The coldest temperatures in Earth's atmosphere, about -90° C (-130° F)