Explanation: raw data is the data that makes the results the results are what come from the data
Parasympathetic nervous system
Parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) along with sympathetic nervous system (SNS) makes autonomic nervous system (ANS). ANS controls the functioning of internal processes like digestion rate, heart rate, respiratory rate etc. During a threat or stressful situation SNS is activated. It increases heart rate, respiratory rate and directs blood flow towards peripheral muscles as a part of "fight or flight response". When the situation becomes normal, PNS is activated which restores all the vitals as a part of "rest and digest" mechanism.
Since here Byron almost got into an accident, he was scared a lot due to which his SNS was activated. Eventually when he realized that he is out of danger, his PNS got activated which returned his heart rate and blood pressure to normal levels.
This could be possible if the wife is a carrier of the FMO3 allele. Therefore the two carrier parents must have passed the defective alleles to the child, who now possessed the gene for the FMO3, and said to be dominant for the fish odor.
In genetics a Carrier is an individual who inherited a defective allele (FMO3) , but do not show the manifestations of the allele, or symptoms of the diseases attributed to it. Therefore the wife is a Carrier for the allele if the child could show this symptoms of fish odor.