D. Increased humidity
The air was very dry. Humid air is not dry.
The final result was the Jones Act of 1917, which converted the citizens of Puerto Rico into Americans, although not as a full-fledged non-State: they do not vote in the presidential elections and the laws passed by their government-elected for the first time by Puerto Ricans in 1948 - they can be vetoed by the United States.
In fact, although the Jones Act granted Puerto Rican civil rights (and also obligations, such as being part of the US military conscription: 20,000 Puerto Rican soldiers fought in World War I), the United States continued and continues to maintain control over its affairs. fiscal, economic, military, postal, etc.
They also committed to work in the territory of the Philippines so they can be independent.
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Vietnam was divide because North Vietnam wanted communism meanwhile the south was/wanted capitalist/capitalism, so their ideas, perspectives and goals were divided in the country, which divided the country into two.
The English had been building up their own trade with the New World, founding their own colonies in Virginia and New England. ... Charles II decided to seize New Netherland, take over the valuable fur trade and give the colony to his younger brother James, Duke of York and Albany (the future James II).Sep