while True:
salary=input("Enter your salary: ")
if salary=="e" or salary=="E":
if a>=300000 and a<=400000:
if a<0 or a>400000:
print("Your salary is either too small or too big ")
if a>0 and a<=400000:
if a>=300000:
print("The number of salaries entered is: "+ str(b))
print("The number of salaries that exceeded 300000 is: "+str(c))
The most necessary point you need to follow when using a line graph, is to make your graph readable. So, the reason why is it inportant to only graph 1 - 3 series of data is that more than 3 series of data causes too many lines on the graph, which makes ti confusing to read. The last option is the correct one.
There are no answer choices listed so I don't have anything to choose from so i'm just going to go with what I know/think. Just from reading the question I think it may be the "notepad." If it is not the notepad then it may be the clipboard.
Sorry if this doesn't help you very much, but there were no answer choices.
A RAID 1 configuration of 4 disks has higher storage capacity than a RAID 0 configuration
Redundant Array of Independent Disks(RAID) are multiple physical drives arranged in logical units to provide data redundancy and increased performance. They are
RAID 1 configuration duplicates data storage, albeit of lower performance than RAID 0. Also called disk mirroring because it mirrors data on two or more disks, it provides at least two drives that are used interchangeably or together.
Technological convergence is a term describes the layers of abstraction that enable different technologies t inter operate efficiently as a converged system. Convergent services such as VoIP, IPTV, Smart TV and others tend to replace the older technologies.
As a feature of society convergence can spur economic growth and change how people communicate on a global basis. A good way t evaluate the previous generations, items such as CD player, cassette deck, console TV or corded telephone each served only one function, whereas a single modern handheld computing device can meld several of those functions with hardly any user intervention required.