Answers:(3) True
(4) Num Lock
Explanations:(3) To undo any task in most of the softwares including Blender, CTRL + Z is used. If you want to double check, go to preference -> Input -> Search for undo. You would see CTRL + Z shortcut there for one time undo (as shown in the picture 1 attached.) Hence (TRUE).
(4) As in blender, during the scene creation, the designers usually use top, left, right or bottom view. Blender has the built-in keys set for those views. As you can see in the second image that the Top view is set to NumPad 7 (likewise others set to other numbers). In order to use the those numpad numbers, you must turn on the NumLock! Hence NumLock is the answer.
// Making a function that will take a integer as argument and return print the code
void Print(int statuscode){
// starting the switch statement on the interger sent
case 200: // for case 200
cout << "Ok,Fullfilled"<< endl;
case 403: // for case 403
cout << "Forbidden" << endl;
case 404: // for case 404
cout << "Not Found" <<endl;
case 500: // for case 500
cout << "Server Error "<< endl;
default: // default case
cout << " Wrong code"<<endl;
The answer is WAN (Wide Area Network).
- The Internet is an example of WAN. It stands for wide area network. It is an information network that commonly links to computers that cover a broad specific area. In a WAN, two towns, states, or countries are linked.
- The main purpose of using WAN includes a wide range, offers unified information, get upgraded files and software, several email sharing applications, etc.
Joint Application Development (JAD)
Joint Application Development is a method of application development that lay emphasis on the up-front aspect of the application development cycle whereby steady communication between the designers and the intended users of the application under development by coming together in collaborative workshop styled discussions known as JAD sessions involving the mediators, facilitator, observers, end users, experts, and developers. As such with JAD process application development result in fewer errors high quality and is completed in lesser time.
- import math
- def standard_deviation(aList):
- sum = 0
- for x in aList:
- sum += x
- mean = sum / float(len(aList))
- sumDe = 0
- for x in aList:
- sumDe += (x - mean) * (x - mean)
- variance = sumDe / float(len(aList))
- SD = math.sqrt(variance)
- return SD
- print(standard_deviation([3,6, 7, 9, 12, 17]))
The solution code is written in Python 3.
Firstly, we need to import math module (Line 1).
Next, create a function standard_deviation that takes one input parameter, which is a list (Line 3). In the function, calculate the mean for the value in the input list (Line 4-8). Next, use the mean to calculate the variance (Line 10-15). Next, use sqrt method from math module to get the square root of variance and this will result in standard deviation (Line 16). At last, return the standard deviation (Line 18).
We can test the function using a sample list (Line 20) and we shall get 4.509249752822894
If we pass an empty list, a ZeroDivisionError exception will be raised.