This is part of the unfreezing stage
of change. The aim throughout the unfreezing stage is to make an attentiveness
of how the current situation, or current level of satisfactoriness, is delaying
the group in some way. Past behaviors, methods of thinking, procedures, people
and organizational arrangements must all be cautiously inspected to demonstrate
employees how essential a change is for the organization to make or uphold an economical
advantage in the market.
I believe cannons is the correct answer
Has higher emotional competence than most men
<u>This is because her nature, or "gift", allows her to naturally know how a person feels when she sees them</u> and use that private information to help them overcome the situations they may be going through or help she can help them by teaching them how to control those emotions and channel them for a good use.
<u>Emotional intelligence is when a person knows their emotions and puts them to good use</u>, in this example, Erandi has very high emotional intelligence and uses it to help people achieve a greater level of emotional intelligence themselves.
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